Lisa Kloster in Brazil

We are happy that Lisa shared an article with us about her time in Brazil. Enjoy reading!
This year I finally had enough money to make my dream come true and fly to Brazil for winter training this year.
In October I stood at the airport carrying my boardbag, which was stuffed to the brim, my laptop bag, and my pillow cover with a few bikinis and tops inside. I was super excited, but at the same time also nervous, not knowing if my boardbag will arrive properly.
I had a stopover in Sao Paulo where I only got two hours to get me and my boardbag on the next plane to Fortaleza. I think that were the most stressful two hours in my life.
But nevertheless, the travel plans I had made worked out and I arrived at the first Spot - Tatajuba - after approximately 30hrs traveling.
This spot is known for big air kiting, so I knew strong winds will be on the daily schedule. I felt so free and happy to be able to windsurf in a bikini. Before that first day, I couldn't imagine that the ocean can be this warm. The lagoon only worked at high tide and it was a bit tricky because of the strong currents in there. That's why I liked it a bit more to ride on the ocean side. The wind is stronger there and you have some massive kickers. Usually, wind builds up from 11 o´clock on und blows till sunset. In case I wanted to go on the water before the wind was strong enough for windsurfing, I went kiting.
The next Spot I visited was Jericoacoara. Probably every windsurfer has seen an edit of freestyle windsurfers shredding this spot. The waves were more organized than in Tatajuba, but unfortunately the wind was very gusty on the inside, because the village blocks the wind. Because of that and the long walk to the beach, I only stayed for a week and left to Maceio (Ceara).
I liked Maceio the most. We had stronger wind than in Jeri. The waves were organized as well, because the wind is side-offshore. I was very lucky to have a good swell forecast the days I spent there. The atmosphere at sunset with the golden light, big ramps and 30 knots was breath-taking. I loved it there!
For the last 2 weeks, before flying back to Germany, I had planned to visit some friends of mine. Taiba is a freestyle kite spot, with some lagoons and flat water. That’s where I am writing this report right now. We have a light breeze of about 14 knots everyday which is the perfect strength for kite freestyling. I am really enjoying the time here with my friends. In one week I will fly back to good old Germany, where I will stay for approximately a week. Then I am going to my second home Tarifa and continue studying from there.
I really appreciate the time here in Brazil and I am very happy that I had the chance to get to know so many open minded and good-hearted people.
Follow Lisa on Instagram to see more great pics.